What makes a "Good Search" on Ancestry
What makes a "Good Search" on Ancestry? by Geoffrey Slinker, Ancestry Employee The postings on this site are my own and do not reflect the views or opinions of Ancestry. The audience of this post is those that are new to searching, inexperienced, and those just learning. If you have tried to find something and you didn't find what you are looking for have you considered: Do you know what you are looking for? Information of someone that is completely unknown, such as, I have no information about my great grandfather and I would like to find out his name. Information about someone that you know something about, such as, I know my great grandfather's name, but I don't know when he was born. Do you know where you are looking? What does this mean? Do you understand that when you are searching "Historical Records" you are looking for a "piece of paper" that has information on it matching your search? Are you searching for your ...